• Jubilee Year of Mathematics 2019


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Jubilee Congress of Polish Mathematicians for 100-th anniversary of the Polish Mathematical Society

The Congress will take place in Kraków, from September 3rd to September 7th 2019. It will commemorate the 100-th anniversary of the foundation of the Mathematical Society in Kraków (April 2nd 1919), which was soon after transformed into the Polish Mathematical Society.

The Congress will give us a chance to meet our colleagues who have been living abroad for many years. Besides researchers, mathematics teachers will also be present, as well as representatives of other communities connected with mathematics. This will be an opportunity to integrate the whole community.

Lectures by outstanding researchers and panel discussions about the condition of mathematical science in our country are planned at the Congress. It will bring together people whose accomplishments have already earned them their place in the history of Polish mathematics and those who are just beginning their journey in the field. Therefore, the Congress in Kraków has a chance to become a unique event, an occasion to set directions for future developments in mathematics, to give a boost to mathematicians in Poland, and to present mathematical ideas to a wider audience.​